Straight talk about modern orthodontic treatment: Rethink your perception of “metal mouth” braces
At Las Cruces Dental Associates, we appreciate that straight, evenly-spaced teeth are about more than an attractive smile (as important as that is). We serve southern New Mexico and beyond with time-tested and innovative orthodontic treatments that support the smile’s beauty, as well as oral health, function, and overall well-being.
Orthodontics to the rescue!
Aligned teeth promote a balanced smile. Symmetry and uniformity are associated with attractiveness. By correcting crowding, closing gaps, and otherwise repositioning the teeth, we create or restore a more uniform-looking smile. When you are happy about how you look (as the smile plays a central role in facial appearance), it tends to show. Our patients walk a little taller. They speak confidently and laugh without holding back. That’s the power of cosmetic enhancement. However, braces transcend the cosmetic. The relationship between the teeth plays a vital role in oral health. Teeth that are evenly spaced are easier to clean, which helps to prevent destructive dental decay and disease.
Orthodontic treatment is also about supporting a balanced and healthy “bite.” This term refers to the relationship between the opposing upper and lower teeth when biting down or when the mouth is closed. A healthy bite is characterized by the upper teeth slightly overlapping their lower counterparts. If they protrude too much, an overbite is present. Likewise, if the lower teeth protrude, you may have an underbite that requires treatment. Conventional braces have stood the test of time. They can predictably treat everything from more modest cosmetic cases to more extensive bite-related problems.
Braces with a twist
Traditionally, a system of metal wires, stainless steel brackets, and rubber bands has provided consistent pressure on the teeth. This force is necessary to move your teeth into their proper, healthy positions. Today’s braces are made from comfortable and high-performance materials. Additionally, ceramic braces are available that are designed to blend in with the smile, discreetly realign the teeth, and correct bite problems. The brackets and wires may be tooth-colored as an aesthetic and natural-looking alternative to silver- or darker-hued metal braces components.
We encourage you to rethink your perception of braces. No longer are they limited to the obvious-looking, uncomfortable “metal mouth” you may have worn in childhood or that your parents or grandparents may have had.
A wide range of capabilities are available at your “neighborhood” dentist’s office in Las Cruces, NM – including orthodontic care. Contact Las Cruces Dental Associates today at (575) 339-1838 to book your visit.